Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use the Jellie Collect?

Instructions for use:

1. Ensure device is clean and sterilised before use. 
2. Assemble silicone pouch into frame. 
3. Place nipple into the centre of the nipple opening. 
4. Press the soft silicone pouch to create suction. Gently press the valve to release pressure if uncomfortable.
5. Check nipple is still central through top window. 
6. Secure pump in bra by pulling nursing bra over pump. Ensure pump is firmly pressed against breast without any gaps. 
7. If you feel the suction dropping or notice the pouch rounding, press the breast pump again to maintain suction and keep the milk flowing. Watch milk levels to avoid overfilling.
8. To finish, release pressure by pushing the valve. Then use finger to break seal around nipple. 
9. Pour collected milk into a breast milk storage bottle or bag.

When should I be using the Jellie Collect?

The Jellie Collect it is best worn whilst feeding or pumping from the other side or if your breasts feel full. Due to the design of the soft silicone pouch it collects milk using a gentle negative pressure suction during a let down. If you feel the suction decrease or feel the pouch rounding, press the pouch again to keep the suction up to collect more milk.

Please discuss with your midwife or lactation consultant about when during your breastfeeding journey (ie weeks postpartum) it would be most beneficial for you to use the Jellie Collect.

Are there multiple sizes or one size fits all?

One size fits all.

Do I need to purchase a new bra or adapters with it?

There is no need to purchase new bras or adaptors for the Jellie Collect, it should fit in your pre-existing nursing bras.

Ensure that the pump is placed securely in the bra and it is comfortable. The stretch of nursing bras should hold it securely without being uncomfortable.

If you notice that the collect is not sitting securely or there are gaps between the pump and your breast you may need to tighten the straps or use an elastic type nursing bra, rather than a structured bra.

If the Jellie collect feels too tight or uncomfortable, try loosening the bra straps until it fits securely with no gaps and feels comfortable.

Can it be used without a bra?

Yes of course! However, it would defeat the purpose of it being handsfree. Most of our mums find that it works best in a bra as it keeps the Jellie Collect in a secure position.

If using it without a bra make sure it is placed securely against the breast without any gaps between your breast and the pump.

How long can I wear my Jellie Collect for?

The Jellie Collect can be worn whilst feeding or single pumping or if your breasts feel full. Once you have finished feeding or expressing pour the milk into a milk storage bag or bottle and store appropriately (room temperature/fridge/freezer). We recommend not wearing the Jellie Collect for prolonged periods of time ensure that the milk meets storage recommendations (see below).

Please see the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) recommendations for breastmilk storage. As per the ABA freshly expressed milk into a closed container can be kept at room temperature 6–8 hrs (26ºC or lower). However, if refrigeration is available store milk there.

Click link below:

ABA Storing expressed breastmilk

How long can I leave my milk in it?

The Jellie collect is not designed to store milk as it is not a closed container. Once you have finished expressing milk pour it into a suitable milk storage bag/bottle/container and store at room temp/fridge/freezer.

Please see the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) link below about information regarding breastmilk storage.

ABA Storing expressed breastmilk

How do I adjust the suction?

The suction can be adjusted with the built in pressure valve at the top of the pump.

If suction is too high, gently press the valve to release some of the pressure. If the suction is too low, press the pouch through your bra again. Repeat the process above until you reach a desirable level of suction. You will find what works best for you.

It is recommended to repeat pressing the pouch every few minutes to maintain a steady suction which maximises milk collection.

What materials is the Jellie Collect made from and is it safe for my baby?

The hard plastic frame is made from polypropylene (PP) and the pouch is made from food-grade silicone which is BPA and phthalates free. It is dishwasher safe and can be sterilised by either microwave, steam, UV or boiling water.

Because the pouch is made from food-grade silicone you can safely feed your baby expressed milk from it. However, please pour expressed milk into a storage bag/bottle/container once you have finished expressing and follow the storage recommendations. Milk collected over prolonged periods of time and left at room temperature greater than recommendations should not be given to your baby.

Please see the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) for breastmilk storage recommendations.

ABA Storing expressed breastmilk

Why does the Jellie Collect have a hard plastic frame?

The frame is incredibly important part of the design as it prevents your bra compressing against the silicone pouch. This allows the pouch to fully expand so that suction and milk collection is not compromised. The frame also prevents the pump from being easily dislodged.


Can you feel the suction when using it?

This varies between individuals, some may feel a suction whilst others may not feel it as much. It is intentionally designed to be comfortable and gentle.

Can you use Jellie collect whilst sleeping or lying down or side feeding?

Sleeping:it is not recommended to wear Jellie Collect for prolonged periods of time, ensure that the milk meets storage guidelines (see below). It can be worn whilst feeding or single pumping or if your breasts feel full. Once you have finished feeding or expressing pour the milk into a milk storage bag or bottle and store appropriately (room temperature/fridge/freezer). Also movement during sleeping may dislodge the pump.

Lying down or side feeding:Yes the pump can be using whilst side feeding or lying on your side. Ensure the pump is secure with no gaps between your breast and the pump to minimise leakage. Please note you may experience lower volumes with the Jellie collect in these positions due to the position of the breast and gravity, it works best in an upright position.

ABA Storing expressed breastmilk

Is it okay to use the Jellie Collect whilst doing daily activities or out in public?

Definitely! This is one of the reasons it was designed to be so discreet. So that you can use it anywhere, anytime without it getting in the way. Ensure that you take a storage container with you when you're out and about. Check this space for Jellie's milk storage products coming soon.

NB: Please do not use whilst driving or operating heavy machinery.

How does the Jellie Collect prevent spills and leakage?

Due to the Jellie Collect being designed to fit snuggly around your breast it helps prevent any leakage.

Once you have finished expressing lay it on it's front or use the flat bottom to rest on.

How much milk should I get with each session?

The amount of milk each person collects varies between individuals and there are many variables that may impact volumes (where you are in your breastfeeding journey, when you last expressed/fed, activities at the time of pumping).

Please note the Jellie collect is a silicone breast pump which is designed to create a gentle suction during your let down compared to an electric breast pump.

Disclaimer: not every product will work for you and your breastfeeding journey. Each individuals experience is different and we do not wish to mislead anyone about expected volumes or effectiveness of the pump. If you have any concerns or questions see our troubleshooting sections below or please email us at

Is the Jellie Collect suitable for me and my breastfeeding needs?

The Jellie Collect works to create a gentle negative pressure suction, which makes it perfect for collecting milk during a let down or if you breasts feel full. It is particularly useful for people wanting to collect extra milk with minimal effort.

The design is made to fit inside your bra making it ideal for using out and about and protects against your baby kicking it off whilst feeding.

If you are still unsure if this is the right product for you and your breastfeeding please check out our blog on the difference between a manual vs electric pump. Or consult with your midwife/lactation consultant. The Jellie Collect falls under the category of a manual pump.

How do I clean the Jellie Collect and do I have to sterilise it every time?

We recommend cleaning (hot soapy water) and sterilising the Jellie Collect before using it for the first time.

The Jellie Collect is classified as a manual breast pump. All manual breast pump parts that come into contact with breastmilk need to be thoroughly washed and stored in a clean, closed container after each use. The Jellie Collect has 2 parts (frame and pouch).

Wash the breast pump parts in a clean wash basin using warm soapy water and rinse well. Do not place the pump parts directly in the sink. Air-dry parts or dry parts with clean paper towel. Store covered until next use.

If sterilising after each use, let everything cool and shake off excess water. There’s no need to dry the items. Store covered until next use. 

Resource: Cleaning expressing equipment.

Is there a situation that I SHOULD NOT use the Jellie Collect?

If you have any concerns about your breastfeeding journey we highly recommend you speak to your midwife or lactation consultant.

The Jellie Collect falls under the category a silicone manual breast pump. Thus, has the same cautions for use as other silicone manual breast pumps (ie haakaa). A condition where it may not be advisable to use is hyper lactation.

Other issues may also arise please with the use of silicone manual breast pumps. See the blogs below from "Johanna - Milk and Motherhood" a IBCLC to help with making an informed decision.

What could go wrong?

So when CAN I use one?

Manual breast pumps vs electric breast pumps.

We have a whole blog about this. Click the link below to check it out:

Manual breast pumps v. electric breast pumps: Which is better?


Troubleshooting Video

Click the link below to see a detailed video and demonstration of how to trouble shoot your Jellie Collect.

Youtube - Jellie Collect Troubleshooting

I'm not getting much milk.

There are a few possible reasons why you may not be getting any milk.

Maintaining Suction

It is recommended to re-press the Jellie Collect every couple of minutes to maintain suction.

Nipple Alignment

Please ensure that your nipple in centrally located in the hole and not squashed against the pump as this may impact the milk flow. Follow the steps below:

1. Place nipple into the centre of the nipple opening.

2. Gently press the pouch and check the nipple is still central through the top window.

3. Once aligned, check to see if your nipple is pressing against the inside or side of the pouch. If so, try to realign the nipple or manupulate the pouch so that it is not compressing against the nipple.

Valve check

To maintain suction the valve must be fully closed. Follow the steps below to check the valve:

1. Check that the valve is clean, fully dry and free of degree.

2. Ensure that the valve is not tucked in on itself.

If you are still having difficulty after trying the steps above please email us at

It appears to be leaking.

The Jellie collect should not leak when being used.

If you are having leaks through the nipple opening this may mean that there is not a proper seal around your nipple. Try realigning your nipple, and press the silicone pouch to create suction. Once suction is created this should make a seal which should stop any milk from leaking. We recommend pushing the pouch every couple of minutes or when you notice the pouch rounding to help maintain a constant level of suction.

If you have milk coming through the valve, then the valve may not be fully shut. Follow the steps below:

1. Check that the valve is clean, fully dry and free of debris. 

2. Ensure that the valve is not tucked in on itself. 

If you are still having difficulty after trying the steps above please email us at 

I think the valve is broken

The Valve should have thin slit. This allows air passage through when it is pushed, so that suction is adjustable. Please make sure the valve is clean and free from debris or anything that may affect the slit being able to close completely. Check that the valve is not tucked in on itself. 

If you think any part of your Jellie Collect is faulty, please email us at with an accompanying image of the fault.

I can't feel any suction

The way the Jellie Collect can feel varies from person to person. As with most things with breastfeeding everyone is unique. Just because it feels different or the suction is very subtle, this does not mean it is not effective. We recommend pushing the pouch every couple of minutes or when you notice the pouch rounding to help maintain a constant level of suction.

How to create suction: Follow the steps in your instruction manual provided with your product. Or visit the product page to download the instruction manual.

Nipple alignment:

Please ensure that your nipple in centrally located in the hole and not squashed against the pump as this may impact the milk flow. Follow the steps below:

1. Place nipple into the centre of the nipple opening.

2. Gently press the pouch and check the nipple is still central through the top window. 

3. Once aligned, check to see if your nipple is pressing against the inside or side of the pouch. If so, try to realign the nipple or manupulate the pouch so that it is not compressing against the nipple. 

Valve check

To maintain suction the valve must be fully closed. Follow the steps below to check the valve:

1. Check that the valve is clean, fully dry and free of degree. 

2. Ensure that the valve is not tucked in on itself. 

Using with or without a bra.

Ensure that the bra you are using with your Jellie collect is not Not too tight that it is uncomfortable, but not so loose that the Jellie Collect does not sit firmly against your body. You do not need to purchase new bras or add adapters, the Jellie Collect should fit in your current nursing bra. If you are getting minimal volumes and not using a bra, try placing the Jellie Collect in a bra to help secure it closely around your breast.

If you are still having difficulty after trying the steps outlined above please email us at 

How do I increase the amount of milk I get?

The amount of milk the Jellie Collect can get can vary from person to person. As with most things with breastfeeding everyone is unique. There are a multitude of factors that can impact your milk flow (where you are in your breastfeeding journey, when you last expressed/fed, activities at the time of pumping).

See the steps below to try:

Maintaining Suction

It is recommended to re-press the Jellie Collect every couple of minutes to maintain suction. Just because it feels different or the suction is very subtle, this does not mean it is not effective. If you are finding that it is difficult to get more suction with the volume of milk that is in the Jellie Collect, pour the milk into a storage bag/bottle and then reattach the Jellie Collect to get more suction and more milk.

Nipple Alignment

Please ensure that your nipple in centrally located in the hole and not squashed against the pump as this may impact the milk flow. Follow the steps below:

1. Place nipple into the centre of the nipple opening.

2. Gently press the pouch and check the nipple is still central through the top window. 

3. Once aligned, check to see if your nipple is pressing against the inside or side of the pouch. If so, try to realign the nipple or manupulate the pouch so that it is not compressing against the nipple. 

Valve check

To maintain suction the valve must be fully closed. Follow the steps below to check the valve:

1. Check that the valve is clean, fully dry and free of degree. 

2. Ensure that the valve is not tucked in on itself. 

Lying down or side lying

Whilst you can use the pump whilst lying on your side it may impact the amount of milk collected due to the position of the breast. If you wish to increase the volumes, try expressing in an upright position.

If you are still having difficulty after trying the steps outlined above please email us at 

How do I get the milk out?

Simply pour the milk out of the nipple hole into your storage container. There is a diversion groove designed to direct the flow of milk easily. See the product photos for demonstration.


All information provided is general in nature regarding Jellie products. We do not provide medical or lactation advice. Please seek professional advice if concerns regarding breastfeeding.